Simple gifting from local businesses.

Gift those you care about experiences from nearby shops that they can swing by and enjoy at their own convenience.

Gifting made sweet and thoughtful.

Discover local businesses, choose and customize a gift, and send the recipient a redeem code to savor the gift whenever they’re nearby, free, and would appreciate it most – whether it’s that day or in two weeks.
Need some inspiration? ✨ Send someone their favorite hazelnut gelato when they pass a test or a massage when they’ve had a rough week at work.

How it works.

Discover local businesses
Find new spots around town and support businesses close to your community
Send kind gifts
Create the perfect pick-me-up whether it's a double-pump hazelnut latte or a well-deserved massage.
Redeem conveniently
Recipients can pick up their gifts whenever they're nearby, free, and would appreciate it most.

Get in touch.

Have questions for us? Want to see your favorite local spot on doce? Let us know!